Dr Marc obtained both his Bachelor of Business (International Business) with a minor in Economics and his Ph.D. from Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak. Prior to joining Swinburne University, Dr Marc was a research assistant at Swinburne University and served time in the Singapore Police Force. He has since developed a passion in research for understanding the everyday consumption decisions people make, the impact of those decisions have on the environment, the economy, our society, and the ways in which we may alter our behavioural action and cognitive perception.
Outside of academia, Dr Marc has been actively involved in leadership development and mentoring programmes. And incorporates these methods and tools into the classroom setting to develop a holistic approach to his teaching. He believes that to simply tell is to forget, and to teach is not a guarantee that things will be remembered—instead learning and personal growth starts with involvement.
2022: “Sustainable Tourism Development: Community-Based Tourism Value-Added Programs as the Vehicle for Socio-Economic Enhancement”, Tourism Research Grant, Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak (MTCP), (Chief Investigator), (MYR 100,000)
2017-2019, A Behavioral Control Investigation Towards Greater Sustainability, Swinburne University Research Micro Fund.