Research Outputs
Journal Article: Tong, W., Ali, M., Puah, C. H., Leong, C. M., & Yuping, X. (2024). Islamic insurance: a review and research agenda. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 1-23.
Journal Article: Ting, S. H., Leong, C. M., Lim, T. Y., Kuek, T. Y., & Lim, B. C. Y. (2024). Advancing corporate sustainability: empowering the young consumers to reduce food waste for the sake of our planet. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration.
Journal Article: Sia, P. C., Leong, C. M., & Puah, C. H. (2023). Asymmetric effects of inflation rate changes on the stock market index: The case of Indonesia. Journal of International Studies, 16(1).
Journal Article: Ali, M., Choi-Meng, L., Aw, E. C. X., Puah, C. H., & Barut, A. (2023). Real estate investment decisions in COVID-19 crisis: the effect of perception and behavioral biases. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis.
Journal Article: Wang, Y., Chaw, L. Y., Leong, C. M., Lim, Y. M., & Barut, A. (2023). Massive open online courses learners’ continuance intention: shaping a roadmap to micro-credentials. International Journal of Educational Management.
Journal Article: Lim, T. Y., Leong, C. M., Lim, L. T. K., Lim, B. C. Y., Lim, R. T. H., & Heng, K. S. (2023). Young adult tourists’ intentions to visit rural community-based homestays. Young Consumers, 24(5), 540-557.
Journal Article: Tan, K. L., Hii, I. S., Zhu, W., Leong, C. M., & Lin, E. (2023). The borders are re-opening! Has virtual reality been a friend or a foe to the tourism industry so far?. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(7), 1639-1662.