4 October 2024

Graduation: Embracing Change, Challenges and Opportunities

By P Michael

Here you are, at the finish line. And where you’re standing is also the start of something entirely new.

It’s graduation season. What a ride it has been, right?

Here you are at your graduation, at the finish line. And you’re also standing at the start of something entirely new.

For many of you, it feels like it was only yesterday that you stumbled into your first lecture, nervously clutching your laptop and wondering, “Is this the right room?” Now, after finally tossing that cap in the air and dodging it on its way down (seriously, why do they come back down so fast?), let’s take a moment to reflect on this wild ride and what lies ahead.

What an Emotional Journey It Was

Graduation isn’t just about getting a piece of paper or a fancy robe that you’ll probably never wear again. It’s about celebrating how far you’ve come.

Think of all those nights you stayed up late, fuelled by caffeine and sheer willpower, muttering, “If I can just finish this one assignment, I’ll reward myself with a 10-minute nap.” Well, you did it! Every lecture you snoozed—oops, I mean, attended—every project you survived, and every friend you made brought you to this moment.

Mind you, you didn’t just earn a degree. You adapted, grew, and became someone ready to take on whatever challenges the world throws your way. But let’s be honest – what a rollercoaster it has been! One moment you’re excited about finally being free from exams and assignments, and the next, you’re wondering “What on earth do I do now?”  And that’s completely normal!

Facing the Real World after Graduation

Ah, the “real world.”

It’s the one thing everyone talks about but rarely explains, right? You’ve probably heard all kinds of things – some thrilling, others downright terrifying. Spoiler alert: It’s a bit of both. You might not land that dream job right away (unless you have, then congratulations!). You might even face a few rejections. But hey, you survived the parking situation on campus when the semester was in. If you can handle that, you can handle anything.

Why so confident, you ask? Because Swinburne Sarawak has equipped you with all the right tools for this transition. And when things get tough, let me remind you that you’ve survived group projects where only two out of five members did the work.

You’ve got this.

Embrace Uncertainty, Navigate Challenges

But let’s be real: life after graduation is a bit like navigating Kuching’s traffic without Waze at the end of the month; it is unpredictable and full of surprises.

The road ahead might be filled with unexpected detours, but those twists and turns? That’s where you’ll discover who you truly are. Maybe you’ll end up in a job that’s completely different from your major. Or maybe you’ll move to a city you never thought you’d live in. That is all part of life’s journey.

And you know what? One of the greatest gifts Swinburne Sarawak has given you isn’t just the knowledge—it’s the people.

It’s graduation season.

Those classmates who shared notes with you when you couldn’t make it to that 8 am lecture? Keep them around. The lecturers who didn’t judge your panic-stricken emails at 3 am? Keep in touch! You never know when they might become your next business partner or the person who helps you land that dream job.

Life’s ‘Long Learning’

So, what’s next?

You might be thinking, “Finally, no more exams!” But here’s the catch: learning never really stops. (I know, I know, but hear me out.)

This graduation is just the beginning of your lifelong journey of growth. Whether you end up picking up a new skill, diving into a hobby that excites you, or binge-watching documentaries because you’re now a ‘responsible adult’ – keep feeding that curiosity. The world is constantly changing, and staying adaptable means staying relevant.

Plus, there’s no exam, so you can learn things for fun now. Imagine that!

But first…. let’s celebrate!

Before you rush off to conquer the world, take a moment to celebrate. Go ahead, let out that sigh of relief, do a little dance, or binge-watch that 40+ episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen anime you’ve been putting off all semester. You’ve earned it! Then reflect on how far you’ve come, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the person you’ve become. Because life is not about how fast you reach the next milestone; it’s about enjoying the journey.

And if there’s one piece of advice our alumni often share, it’s this: don’t be afraid to take risks. Seriously, what’s the worst that could happen? (Okay, maybe don’t answer that.) Whether it’s applying for that job that feels out of reach, starting a business, or moving to a city you’ve never been to, go for it! Life is full of surprises, and when you face setbacks, you will know that these are not the end, but a part of the journey.

Embrace the Journey Ahead

So, here you are. You’ve made it through years of hard work, late nights, countless cups of coffee, and probably a few existential crises. Now, it’s time to take the next step. It won’t always be easy – there will be days when you doubt yourself, and that’s okay.

But remember this: you’re capable, you’re resilient, and you’ve got everything you need to succeed.

As a Swinburne graduate, you’re capable, you’re resilient, and you’ve got everything you need to succeed.

As you step into this exciting new chapter, embrace every moment. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to leave your mark. And if you ever feel lost, remember: you’ve got the strength of Swinburne Sarawak behind you.

So, congratulations, graduates!

Now show the world what you’re made of. And if you ever need a reminder of how awesome you are, look back at that degree you earned… or how patient you were as you waited for the owner of the car blocking yours on campus, to move it away.

You’ve got this!

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