Click here for updates and information on the Swinburne Sarawak cyber incident.Learn more

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Scholarships and Rebates

Cost should never be a barrier to quality education. Learn how you can get the financial support and rebates you need.

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Study abroad and exchange

Studying abroad gives you the chance to challenge yourself, further your skills, learn a new language and experience education in an entirely new setting.

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Why Swinburne?

We are ranked in the TOP 1% university globally by QS World University Rankings 2024

Using the latest tech to improve teaching and learning, our courses are aligned to meet the demands of IR4.0

Our graduates have the capacity to obtain as well as create work.

Take your digital literacy up a few notches with Australia’s first Adobe Creative Campus.

We use CANVAS, a seamless, easy to navigate learning management system that enhances both learning and teaching experiences of students and academics.